Friday 29 May 2009

A little bit of help from our friends....

Hello everyone,

So it's time for another quick update about my week. The highlight was definitely my first meeting with my mentor yesterday. Rohit Shin is an osteopath / generally inspirational man! I have known Rohit for a few years and feel that he's the ideal temperament for a mentor. To clarify, here are the reasons why every volunteer on the project should have one:


* ..draw on their own wisdom and experience to pick you up when you're down

*.. have had years of working in their industry - and so can provide you with practical guidance about how to get where you want to be

*.. are inspirational figures who believe in everyone's potential

*..will teach you how YOU can then mentor others!

I will be seeing Rohit for another chat within the next few weeks. I'll post some more info about him and his work on the website!

Until next week :-) 


Friday 22 May 2009

Getting to know each other ;-)

So I thought I'd write my blog on a slightly different theme this week - namely what wonderful people you can meet through volunteering. It's such a warm and friendly environment here in the Beethoven Centre. All of us volunteers now go out together after hours and generally have lots of fun! The picture I've shown is of me, Jeni and some friends at a Eurovision Party last Saturday. As some of you may know, Jeni is our creative maestro here at Re-Evolve. She more than excelled herself by making a dress out of gold wrapping paper. The whole experience was totally ridiculous and fantastic all rolled into one. Needless to say we won 'best dressed' - deal done ;-).

We've also had a really productive week here in the Attic of Dreams (as I like to call it)... . All plans are going ahead for our careers event on the 18th and 19th of June. Much of today was spent designing a great poster for it. Our new Prince's Trust group started yesterday, which made for a lively and very productive afternoon!

Catch you in a week ;-)


Friday 15 May 2009

Carrie Ear's wish

Great news!

Our next Prince's Trust group is starting this coming Thursday :-) . We've spent much of the day preparing the structure of their time here. We'd really like to make the careers sessions productive and motivational for everyone. So far this has led us to make a Wish List for each new volunteer to fill in. These will be used to assess each person's career goals - and help make them come true!! We'll ask where their ideal placements would be and see what we're able to organise for them. Preparations turned funny after lunch (maybe it was the fiery pringles) and we decided to bring a comedy edge to the Wish List template. The journey of a Miss Carrie Ear will be revealed to everyone who attends on the day ;-) .

Sarah and Jeni's work on the website is looking BRILLIANT!! Check it out....

Emily X


Friday 1 May 2009


It's time for another event! This one's set to be a goodie just like the others. The plan is to have four workshops over two days on the 18th and 19th of June, here in the computer suite at the Beethoven Centre. The workshops will be an opportunity to offer some peer-to-peer advice to young people about their career direction. We'll be focussing on boosting confidence and releasing potential, writing a great CV and learning interview tips. The sessions will then end with volunteers contributing their own ideas to our website. Questions we want them to answer will be: Which careers websites do you really like? Why? What online links would you recommend for others on this path?

So we've now got a good sense of focus and excitement to make these days really fun and productive!

Other news...... ;-) 

I'll actually be away in France this time next-blog. WOO!! I'm going to have a lovely time relaxing in the countryside with my Dad and some friends... Hence the beautiful picture which may have seemed a bit irrelevant at the start!

A bientot!



Friday 24 April 2009

Re-Evolve yourself ONLINE!

This has been a really exciting week here. Yesterday we started setting up our very own website!! will now be personalised to our every wish! The first stage in this process is to really bring the feel of our brand to the appearance of the site - which Sarah has been making an AMAZING start on today. In my usual standard of German Sarah (just for you..) "Du bist legend!"

So the work really starts here to develop our online presence. It's so important that Re-Evolve can be a project that young people can interact with in a fun and inspiring way. A website is the ideal platform to download videos, blogs and placements write-ups. Thanks to our recent Prince's Trust group, we already have some great experiences to be downloaded and read by others. It's such a great thought that young people can help to motivate each other - we have to all know that we can do it!! WHATEVER it is!!

Time to head off for a lovely weekend now. Enjoy yours ;-) 

Thursday 9 April 2009

"Which Bird Are You?"

Hello everyone, 

So we've had another productive week here! Plans for the website are up and running and we're all set to get a big set of resources for it. Our Prince's Trust volunteers will be returning from their placements next week, to be greeted with our questionnaires and video cameras! We're really keen to make the most of their experiences whilst out on placement, in order that others can benefit from the lessons they've learned.

The type of things we're interested in are: "How did you handle the difficult things that came your way? What were some of the best bits? Do you now want to enter into this field?"

Using some video footage will also help to make the website a really interactive and much more exciting place to visit ;-).

So best get on with the day's work!

Will check in again soon,


P.S. Other good news from this week, is that I now get to tutor my own Homework Club! This club forms a part of a number of great educational projects run by Vital Regeneration. The kids can come and work in what is a really supportive and encouraging environment. Who says homework can't be inspiring! In a game of "Which Bird Are You?" the other day, one child concluded that I was a parrot... ;-) . I've decided to definitely take this as a compliment!

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Market Research out in Westminster!

I'm really pleased that we had such a successful Market Research Day here at Re-Evolve. The core group of volunteers (Myself, Laron, Sarah, Wade, Richelle and Laurance) were joined by around twenty other volunteers! This included our Prince's Trust group, all of whom responded brilliantly to the task.

Our first goal was to go out onto the streets of Westminster and collate as much information as possible. The strategy for this was to find young people between 16 and 25 who were willing to complete our carefully designed questionnaire. The whole point of the day was to investigate exactly how the young people of Westminster would like us to set up the website. It must be innovative and fresh, so THEIR INPUT IS VITAL!

I was delighted with how my team carried out the whole day. What a lovely and hardworking group of people. Special credit must go to Ricardo, one of our Prince's Trust group. He successfully ensured our admission into Westminster University's Students' Union. This meant that we could gather really valuable information from a large number of volunteers. Fantastic work Ricardo!

The group was then really committed to analysing our information that afternoon. The whole day wielded some excellent data. Our next task must be to collate more resources and start to form the website!

Thanks so much team for a really brilliant day :-) .